23 Minutes In Hell Download Ebook


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

173 Comments » Lee Likes Bikes Pingback November 12, 2007 @ 1:11 pm This fall, Dan Brown will be hitting the road for his first U.S. The tour begins on October 3rd at Anderson's Bookshop in Chicago.

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Awesome e. Book Ideas for Any Niche. Monday 2/2. 1/1. 1: I’m really proud of this post and I want to make sure all of my readers see it. My next post will be Wednesday, 2/2. I love reading them. I love writing them. I love collecting them. Heck, I even love thinking about writing them.

But I think some bloggers are a little bit afraid of writing ebooks, and most bloggers don’t bother. For those bloggers I’ve compiled a list of 3. I could see all of these ebooks being offered as free linkbait or listbait incentives, and you could probably even charge for some if they were good enough. The below ideas are loosely grouped together with similar ideas. For some ideas, I give made- up examples. I’ve taken great care here to make sure those who don’t blog about internet marketing or blogging can still find each one of these ideas useful and relevant.

Time to a Goal. All of these ebook ideas have something to do with meeting a specific goal after a certain period of time. Days to . The first ebook like this that comes to mind is Darren Rowse’s 3. Days to Build a Better Blog. His ebook is pretty hefty, but yours certainly doesn’t have to be. If you blog about mountain biking, your ebook can be 3. Days to Better Mountain Biking or Be a Bike Mechanic in 3. Days or something like that, and then just list a tip every day.

Ever noticed one of those French in 2. Hours! There are usually 2. So if you blog about health and fitness, you could create ebook along the lines of Everything You Need to Know About Your Body in 2.

Hours. I’ve seen a bunch of tutorial- type books like this: C++ in an Hour a Day, or Photoshop in an Hour a Day. Golden Numbers. All of these ebook ideas include numbered lists that we all love so much. It’s usually not too hard to come up with 1.

Biggest Blogging Mistakes was the first working title of my 1. Ways You’re Killing Your Blog ebook (which you get for free when you sign up for my awesome newsletter). Example: 1. 01 Drawing Mistakes or 1.

Huge Travel Faux Pas (I just found out that that’s apparently the singular AND plural form of the word. Cool.)3. 65 Ways to . And the Ways in the title can be changed to anything, really. This is different from the .

It’s just 3. 65 different. Does that make sense? Example: 3. 65 Ways to Be Happier or 3. Animals to See Before You Die.

Commandments of . Because you know, you really could die if you mess something up. Processes. How to Easily ! This one can’t apply to my niche!” But oh it can. I’d venture to say that there are people making money in pretty much every niche you can think of. Example: How to Make Money Reading would be great for a book review blog.

You could talk about being a book indexer, copyeditor, or blogger who reviews books online (and links to Amazon as an affiliate). How NOT to  . Let’s say you blog about home improvement and learned the hard way how to mess up installing the new tile in your bathroom. You could title your ebook How NOT to Tile Your Bathroom and it would probably be a big hit. This could also be called How to Suck at . This could be something like How to Install Word.

Press, where you list each of the 1. Or you could make it something bigger. There are a couple hundred different routes that rock climbers can take to get up the thing, with the original (and most classic) one being The Nose. One ebook publisher that specializes in rock climbing guidebooks created a Road to The Nose ebook that went through the step- by- step of how to climb The Nose, and it goes through everything from which routes to train on to gear you should take and skills you should have. Pretty cool. Knowledge.

Things You Need to Know About . For example, I plan on creating a What Google Has Told Us About SEO ebook sometime in the near future.

Or if you blog about golfing, create a free Tiger Woods on Golf ebook (though that’s not the best example because he’d probably sue you and then get drunk and crash his car into your house or something). The . If you’ve got a travel blog, create a Road Trip Planning Kit. In it you could include packing lists, lists of games to play on the road if you’ve got kids, general pre- trip car maintenance tips, etc. How to . I want to be a better blogger. I also want to be a better mountain biker. I’m sure lots of you out there would like to be a better parent. Each one of these ideas could have an ebook dedicated to it.

You’d need to make the title more interesting, though. How to Blog Better really isn’t too exciting, but How to Blog Like William Shatner Sings. No matter what your niche is, there are surely some common misconceptions or misunderstandings about certain things.

Set the record straight with this ebook idea. Example: The Truth About Search Engine Optimization .

Common Bigfoot Myths would be a great one if you blogged about bigfoot. Compiled Information. There’s not a whole lot of depth to these ebooks but you can make up for that through quantity of information. Best Websites/Blogs. I’ve done this before on one of my blogs as the newsletter opt- in incentive.

It worked surprisingly well and took all of 1. Example: 2. 0 Best Kayaking Websites or 4. Favorite Wedding Photography Blogs. Most Valuable Tools. These can be digital tools (5.

Greatest Word. Press Plugins or 2. Sweet Chrome Extensions) or physical tools (2. Patterns Every Crocheter Needs).

Greatest Books. If you came up with a list of the 1. Greatest Books for Bloggers, I’d read it (and yes, I know there are already lists out there like that). But only if you (or maybe with your readers’ help) have really read them and can vouch for them. I hate it when I see lists like this where the compiler hasn’t read them. Example: 1. 5 Essential Books for Every Small Business Owner. Best Quotes. I’ve seen this a lot on personal development blogs, with ebooks like 1. Inspiration Quotes to Help You Through Your Day.

You could just list a bunch of quotes, but that’s not very substantial. Adobe Flash Cs3 Professional Keygen Rar Extractor. To add more value to the ebook, expound on each quote and say why it’s helpful. I did this with my free 6. Blogging Tips from Confucius ebook (BTW, if you haven’t read that ebook yet, you should definitely check it out.

The cover itself is enough of a reason to take a look. I’ve very proud of that cover.)Best Blog Posts. Let’s say you blog about, oh I don’t know. Compile a big ol’ list of the best posts about writing hadlines from around the web and slap them into an ebook. Linkbait. History Of . If you’re into yoga, for example, wouldn’t you love to read a history of yoga?

Best- of- My- Blog. Compile your greatest blog posts into one nifty little package. Other. Journal templates. This is another one I have in the works for blogging, so don’t steal it. It’ll be a single- page PDF that you can print out to monitor your daily blogging activities.

It’ll include little boxes to check off for number of comments you make, lines for writing down how much time you spent doing whatever, etc. But how is this an ebook? Just include a few pages with a sample one filled out, plus some explanation on how to best use it. Example: I created one of these for my personal use (I never posted it on my climbing blog, though I could have) to track the rock climbs I do.

For each climb, there are spaces for the name of the climb, when I climbed it, the difficulty, the type of climb, the kind of rock it’s on, gear needed for the climb, and so on. Group Interviews. Pull a Mark and ask different people in your niche the same questions and compile their responses into an ebook. Interviews. Interview someone and plop it into a PDF. Software instruction. Create software tutorials. But how would that work for any niche?

Well, if your niche doesn’t have any specialized software for it, create a tutorials on how to use more common software. Example: Word. Press for Photographers or Facebook for Lawyers.

Final Words. Hopefully this was enough to get you excited about writing ebooks. They’re really not big and scary, I promise. They’re a lot of fun to write (“Hey!

I really am an author now!”), and people share them like crazy.