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Steps Setting Up Cisco Router. Executive Summary: Working with a Cisco router and the Cisco Internetworking Operating System (IOS) is a great way to experiment with networking concepts and gear and could be good for your career development. Learn the basic steps of setting up a Cisco router to provide Internet access to a small network. You can get some hands- on IOS experience by setting up a Cisco router at the Internet edge in your test lab at work or in your home office.

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A Cisco router allows you greater flexibility (with more granular controls than the Linksys or NETGEAR hardware commonly used in home offices) if you later want to expand your setup to include, say, a Microsoft ISA Server firewall on the back end. I’ll assume you have some basic IOS knowledge, including how to log on and how to save and clear configurations.

  1. - This is the first download of the rest of your geeky lives.
  2. This document explains how to download a software image to a Cisco 2600/2800/3800 Series Router using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) over the first LAN port.

I’ll also assume that you have a solid understanding of networking, including what Network Address Translation (NAT) is. I won’t cover items such as setting up Secure Shell (SSH) access and hardening access lists. You can expand into those areas as you feel comfortable and want to experiment more. What You’ll Need You need a Cisco router with at least two Ethernet interfaces. An 8. 06, 8. 36, 8. You can buy an 8. However, a 2. 61.

This article is based on a Cisco 8. W with IOS 1. 2. 4, including the IOS firewall feature set. One end has an eight- position, eight- conductor modular jack to connect to the router; the other end has a DB- 9 serial connector.

With a simulator, there are always missing commands and programming errors, and it can never really be as complete as the real IOS. However, because an emulator runs.

Cisco 1700 Ios Image Download For Gns3 For Mac

In recent years, the console cables that Cisco has shipped with its equipment have been light blue. In my experience, USB- to- serial converters work just fine for this application. You also need a computer with a terminal emulation program. Hilgraeve’s Hyper. Terminal is available with Windows XP, but it was removed from Windows Vista. Vista users can download Hyper- Terminal Private Edition 6.

Mac OS X users can Google for ZTerm, and Linux users, for minicom. Connect the router to the PC, and start a terminal emulation program Connect your router to your PC with the console cable, and fire up your terminal emulation program. The port settings are 9. N,1. If you’ve never before accessed a device directly via an asynchronous serial connection, you might want to ask a Cisco veteran for some assistance. Then type the command erase startup- config to get a blank configuration. Next, restart the router with the reload command.

Make sure to say no to an IOS prompt that asks if you’d like to enter the initial configuration dialog. In that case, you’re probably more accustomed to using Telnet, or preferably SSH, to configure the equipment. That isn’t an option when you want to start with a blank configuration, which will prevent any Telnet or SSH access to the equipment for the time being. Identify the router’s interfaces Take a look at the back of your router and identify which Ethernet ports you’ll be using for what.

One will connect to your WAN device, such as a cable modem; another will connect to your LAN. If you’re using an 8. Vista Desde Un Satellite En Tiempo Real La'>Vista Desde Un Satellite En Tiempo Real La. W, like me, you’ll notice that the ports are labeled for you—Fast. Microsoft Store Pentagon City Location Picture. Ethernet. 4 is the WAN interface and Fast. Ethernet. 0 through Fast. Ethernet. 3 are the LAN interfaces.

The 8. 51 includes a built- in four- port switch, hence the four LAN interfaces. Configure IP addresses Now you can begin the actual setup. You should still be in privileged EXEC mode (if not, enter the enable command), and start terminal configuration mode by enteringconfigure terminal Type the commandno ip domain lookup to prevent IOS from attempting to convert any spelling mistakes you make into domain names. You can skip this step if you’re a perfect typist, I suppose. These can interfere greatly with your typing. In the case of the 8.

W that this article is based on, you do this on a virtual interface called BVI1 that relates to the physical LAN interfaces. On other routers, you might do this on the actual physical interface. Typeinterface < interface. For the 8. 51. W, the command wasinterface BVI1 Now, assign the interface an IP address: ip address < address> < netmask> I’m using 1.

Class C mask, so my command looked like this: ip address 1. The command is on two lines for publication purposes, but be sure to enter it all on one line.) You can also use Classless Inter- Domain Routing (CIDR) notation if you prefer, which would look like this: ip address 1. You’ll also need to set the WAN interface to use DHCP to obtain its IP address. To do this, typeinterface Fast.

Ethernet. 4 followed by the commandip address dhcp followed by the exit command to leave the interface configuration mode. Set up access lists Next, you need to configure two access lists, both of which will be applied in the inbound direction. Note that in the remainder of this article, I use the terms inbound and outbound frequently. As Figure 1 shows, inbound refers to traffic entering the interface; outbound refers to traffic leaving the interface. Listing 1 shows the two access lists: The first will be applied to the LAN interface (in my case, BVI1), and the second will be applied to the WAN interface (in my case, Fast. Ethernet. 4). The first line sets up the access list and places the router in access list configuration mode.

The next line allows any IP traffic matching the network (1. If the subnet mask looks odd to you, that’s not a typo. IOS uses inverse subnet masks in its access lists. You can compute these manually quite easily by subtracting each octet of your standard mask from 2.

So mask 2. 55. 2. Although all access lists have an implicit deny all at the end, including an explicit deny line is a good practice so that you know where your access list ends and to aid the readability of your configuration. The final line takes the router out of access list configuration mode. The first line sets up the access list and places the router in access list configuration mode. I use a cable modem, so the next line allows DHCP (bootps and bootpc) traffic to enter the WAN interface.

Without this entry, my WAN interface would never receive a public IP address, and I’d never get on the Internet. You can use the same configuration in a test lab as long as you have a DHCP server set up and your networking team is OK with what you’re doing. The third and fourth lines allow any TCP and UDP traffic from any source destined for anywhere to enter the WAN interface. You should be cautious about which types of ICMP traffic you allow on your network because ICMP can be used for various exploits, especially Denial of Service (Do. S) attacks. However, you need these three lines to use ping and traceroute for troubleshooting. The last two lines are the same as in the LAN access list. Configure basic TCP/UDP/ ICMP inspection My IOS version includes the IOS firewall feature set.

If yours does as well, you’ll definitely want to use it. Although the IOS firewall doesn’t offer the deep application- layer inspection that, say, an ISA Server firewall does, enabling it is a good idea for two reasons. The first is to ensure that traffic which is claiming to be TCP, UDP, or ICMP is in fact TCP, UDP, or ICMP. The second is that enabling this inspection also enables Context- Based Access Control. CBAC allows IOS to create dynamic access list entries that allow return traffic to flow through the router. Although our access lists above are very generic (e.

TCP is allowed), once your setup is working, you’ll certainly want to harden them, set up internal servers reachable from the Internet, and so on. After you’ve done that, CBAC will allow return traffic to pass through the router. For example, if you browse to Amazon. CBAC will dynamically place entries in the inbound access list applied to your external (WAN) interface to allow return traffic from Amazon.