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What is Performance Testing? Difference Between Performance Testing, Load Testing and Stress Testing — Software Testing Help. Hi Readers! In the testing world, many times we come across the terms like performance testing, load testing, and stress testing. White Patches On Skin During Pregnancy here. These three terms are often misunderstood and interpreted as same concepts.

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However, there is a significant difference between these three testing types and it is important for a tester to understand the same. In this article, we will discuss each of these 3 testing types to understand the difference between them. Q. What is the difference between Performance Testing, Load Testing, and Stress Testing?#1) Performance Testing: => Click on below link to know more about PT: What is performance testing? Performance testing is the testing which is performed to ascertain how the components of a system are performing under a particular given situation. Resource usage, scalability, and reliability of the product are also validated under this testing. This testing is the subset of performance engineering, which is focused on addressing performance issues in the design and architecture of software product. The above image tells us clearly that performance testing is the superset for both load & stress testing.

Learn more about Performance Testing and difference between Performance Testing, Load Testing and Stress Testing with simple easy to understand examples.

Other types of testing included in performance testing are spike testing, volume testing, endurance testing and scalability testing. So, performance testing is basically a very wide term. Performance Testing Goal: The primary goal of performance testing includes establishing the benchmark behavior of the system. There are a number of industry- defined benchmarks which should be met during performance testing. Performance testing does not aim to find defects in the application. It also does not pass or fail the test. Rather, it addresses the critical task of setting the benchmark and standard for the application.

Performance testing should be done very accurately. Close monitoring of the application/system performance is the primary characteristic of performance testing.

The benchmark and standard of the application should be set in terms of attributes like speed, response time, throughput, resource usage, and stability. All these attributes are tested in a performance test.

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  5. IEEE defines software requirements specification as, 'a document that clearly and precisely describes each of the essential requirements (functions, performance.
  6. Middleware is a general term for software that serves to "glue together" separate, often complex and already existing, programs. Some software components that are.
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Example: For instance, you can test the application network performance through . Latency’ chart. Latency is the time difference between the data to reach from source to destination. A 7. 0kb page would take not more than 1. DSL (latency=1. 00 milliseconds). And, a 1. 5mbps T1 connection (latency=5. Another example would be of Request- response model. We can set a benchmark that the time difference between the generation of request and acknowledgment of response should be in the range of x ms (milliseconds) and y ms, where x and y are standard digits.

A successful performance test should project most of the performance issues, which could be related to database, network, software, hardware, etc.#2) Load Testing: Load testing is meant to test the system through constantly and steadily increasing the load on the system until it reaches the threshold limit. It is a subset of performance testing. Load testing can be easily done by employing any of the suitable automation tools available in the market. WAPT and Load. Runner are two such famous tools that aid in load testing.

Load testing is also famous by the names like volume testing and endurance testing. However, volume testing mainly focuses on databases.

And endurance testing tests the system by keeping it under a significant load for a sustained time period. Seriales Adobe Photoshop Cs5 Extended Edition. The sole purpose of load testing is to assign the system the largest job it can possibly handle to test the endurance of system and monitor the results. An interesting fact here is that sometimes the system is fed with the empty task to determine the behavior of the system in the zero- load situation! The attributes which are monitored in a load test are peak performance, server throughput, response time under various load levels (below the threshold of break), adequacy of H/W environment, how many user applications can handle without affecting the performance. Load Testing Goal: The goals of load testing include: Exposing the defects in application related to buffer overflow, memory leaks and mismanagement of memory. The issues that would eventually come out as the result of load testing may include load balancing problems, bandwidth issues, the capacity of the existing system, etc.

To determines the upper limit of all the components of application like a database, hardware, network, etc. Now, 1. 00. 0 users can fire the email transactions (read, send, delete, forward, reply) in many different ways. If we take one transaction per user per hour, then it would be 1. By simulating 1. 0 transactions/user, we could load test the email server by occupying it with 1. Another example of load test is shown in the image below: The above image depicts a load test done in the tool called JMeter. This test is done to identify that how many users a system can handle.

In this test, 1. 00 users are added after every 3. Each step takes 3. JMeter waits for 3. Once, the load reaches 1. Stress testing. Under stress testing, various activities to overload the existing resources with excess jobs are carried out in an attempt to break the system down.

Negative testing, which includes removal of the components from the system is also done as a part of stress testing. Also known as fatigue testing, this testing should capture the stability of the application by testing it beyond its bandwidth capacity.

So, basically, stress testing evaluates the behavior of the application beyond peak load and normal conditions. The purpose of stress testing is to ascertain the failure of the system and to monitor how the system recovers back gracefully.

The challenge here is to set up a controlled environment before launching the test so that you can precisely capture the behavior of system repeatedly under the most unpredictable scenarios. The issues that would eventually come out as the result of stress testing may include synchronization issues, memory leaks, race conditions, etc. If the stress test is checking that how the system behaves in the situation of sudden ramp up in the number of users, it is called as spike test. If the stress test is check system’s sustainability over a period of time through slow ramp up in the number of users, it is called as a soak test. Stress Testing Goal: The goal of the stress testing is to analyze post- crash reports to define the behavior of application after failure. The biggest challenge is to ensure that the system does not compromise the security of sensitive data after the failure.

In a successful stress testing, the system will come back to normality along with all its components even after the most terrible breakdown. Example: As an example, a word processor like Writer. Open. Office. org is utilized in the development of letters, presentations, spreadsheets etc. As soon as the character size reaches 6. The result of stress testing on Writer 1. Another example of load test is shown in below image which depicts a spike test through sudden ramp up of 7. Takeaway. To summarize, I would quickly put the major differences between these 3 testing types in the table below: Performance Testing.

Load testing. Stress testing. Domain. Superset of load and stress testing. A subset of performance testing. A subset of performance testing. Scope. Very wide scope.

Includes - Load Testing, Stress Testing, capacity testing, volume testing, endurance testing, spike testing, scalability testing and reliability testing, etc. Narrower scope as compared to performance testing. Includes volume testing and endurance testing. Narrower scope as compared to performance testing. Includes soak testing and spike testing. Major goal. To set the benchmark and standards for the application. To identify the upper limit of the system, set SLA of the app and see how the system handles heavy load volumes.