Cyber Security Ethical Hacking Courses Pune Airport


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We have invested in our internet and e-business capabilities and we are now in a position to drive key elements of our enterprise solutions and services through e.

Ankit Fadia is an award winning speaker and has delivered more than a 1000 talks on Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security and Technology in 25+ countries at colleges. Statistical Techniques 20th July 2013 Question 1. Edward Snowden, an intelligence analyst, working on contractual basis with the National Security Agency of the USA recently revealed that. You have not yet voted on this site! If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site.

Cyber Security Ethical Hacking Courses Pune Airport

IT Courses Training and Certification - MCSE, CCNA, ECIHStudy Zone. Bangalore Campus has 1. LVC with a total capacity of 1. LVC rooms are built with a “spaceship” concept, since they actually transport the trainer to students all across the world in a matter of seconds.

Data Centre. A local in- house data center caters to the learning needs of our students from all across the world. Cafeteria. An open terrace cafeteria that sits 7. India and abroad. Also known as the Garden City, Bangalore was previously called the Fortress city as well. It has a rich cultural history since the city was once the capital of many ruling dynasties from 1. Later, during British rule, Bangalore was made the Cantonment primarily populated by military groups. It is still well known as a vibrant city abuzz with energy and great climate.

Accommodations  All our accommodation options in Bangalore have multilingual staff and basic amenities such as Wi- Fi, Tv, Heater, power backup, doctor- on- call.