How To Change Video Card Driver Settings


Display Driver Registry Settings. Subscribe for this article updates. The Display Driver Settings are located in registry file under the key name mentioned below.

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You can use the Colibri Tweak Tool, I. MX6 Display Tool or Vybrid Display to adjust most of these settings. Colibri Module. Windows CE Image Version.

Registry Location. Colibri PXAxxxbefore V3. For the other outputs, EDID data is read from the screen, and the most appropriate VESA timings are used.

Registry Key. Description. Valid Settings. Default Value. Note. Cx. Screen. Horizontal Screen Resolution. PXA: 1- 1. 02. 4Tegra: 1- 2.

This article provides information on How to change the Video Settings in Windows 10 on your Monitor. Bad Video Card Drivers error makes it impossible to start Minecraft game. Minecraft was unable to start because it failed to find an accelerated OpenGL mode.

VFxx: 1. 6- 1. 02. MX6: 1. 6- 4. 09. Cy. Screen. Vertical Screen Resolution. PXA: 1- 1. 02. 4Tegra: 1- 2. VFxx: 4- 7. 68i. MX6: 1. Bpp. Frame Buffer Color Depth.

VFxx,i. MX6: 1. 6, 3. Txx: use Main. Panel. Bpp. 8VFxx: 3. 2(q)LDDSNumber of LCD Data Lines used.

VFxx: 1. 5,1. 6,1. MX6: 1. 6,1. 8,2. PCLKPixel clock in Hz.

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PXA: 2. 03'0. 00 - 5. Tegra: 2. 03'0. 00- 1.

VFxx: 2. 03'0. 00 - 6. MX6: 2. 03'0. 00 - 1. PCPPixel Clock Polarity. Data valid on Rising Edge. Data valid on Falling Edge. OEPOutput Enable Polarity(v)1: Active. Low. 0: Active. High.

HSWHorizontal Sync Width in Pixels. PXA: 1- 6. 4Tegra: 0- 8. MX6: 0- 1. 02. 42. BLWBegin of Line Width (Back Porch) in Pixels. PXA: 1- 2. 56. Tegra: - 4.

VFxx: 1- 2. 56i. MX6: 0- 1. ELWEnd of Line Width (Front Porch) in Pixels. PXA: 1- 2. 56. Tegra: 0- 8. VFxx: 1- 2. 56i. MX6: 0- 1. HSPHorizontal Sync Polarity. Active High. 1: Active Low. VSWVertical Sync Width in Lines.

PXA: 1- 6. 4Tegra: 0- 8. VFxx, i. MX6: 1- 2. MX6: 2. BFWBegin of Frame Width (Back Porch) in Lines. PXA: 0- 2. 55. Tegra: - 4.

VFxx: 1- 2. 56i. MX6: 0- 1. EFWEnd of Frame Width (Front Porch) in Lines. PXA: 0- 2. 55. Tegra: 0- 8. VFxx: 1- 2. 56i. MX6: 0- 1. VSPVertical Sync Polarity. Active High. 1: Active Low.

BL. This value could be changed to reduce EMC problems. PXA2. 70: 0- 1. 5PXA3xx: 0- 7. VFxx 0- 7. Txx: See Note (p)i. MX6: 0- 7. PXA, i. MX6 and VFxx: 5. Txx: 0x. F1. 61. 20. 30(p)Registry Key.

Description. Valid Settings. Default Value. Note. Verbosity. Bitmask to show additional display driver infos on the debug port. Errors. 2: Warnings. Initialize. 8: Allocation. Type. Display Type. Passive. 1: Active- 1: LCD unit disabled.

Colorcolor or Monochrome Selection. Monochrome. 1: Color. Dual. Dual or Single Panel Selection. Single. 1: Dual. 0PCLKStall. Stops the Pixel Clock if a LCD underrun occurs.

This can help if your display is connected over TTL0(d)Video. RAMSizeoverrides the default value for the video ram.

Use this if you need a more accurate pixel clock. Otherwise the best fitting clock source is chosen by the driver. PLLD0since 1. 4beta. Lvds. Enable. Enable or disable LVDS converter. Disabled. 1: Enabled.

Apalis T3. 0 only. Lvds. Mode. Single or dual channel LVDS mode.

Dual channel. 1: Single channel. Apalis T3. 0 only. Lvds. Bit. Mode. 18 bit (6 bit per colour) or 2. Apalis T3. 0 only.

Lvds. Map. 24 bit / 1. JEIDA) or Common 2. Convert Dvd To Flv Adobe Media Encoder Wmv there. VESA)0: VESA1: JEIDA0since 2.

Apalis T3. 0 only. Lvds. RSLVDS swing mode: standard LVDS value or reduced swing reduces EMI and power consumption, suitable for short cables. Apalis T3. 0 only. Registry Key. Description. Valid Settings. Default Value.

Note. Use. Splash. Settings. Ignores additional registry parameters and uses the configuration used for the splash screen.

Video. Ram. Size. Configures the amount of bytes used for display frame buffer, overlays and back buffers.

MB0x. 80. 00. 00- 0x. C0. 00. 00(8- 1. 2MB depending on the display resolution)(r)Activate. Display. Event. If present, this key forces the display to show splash screen until the specified named OS event is set.

SYSTEM/Shell. APIReady(s)First. Refresh. Delay. Delay (in milliseconds) between the driver loading and display initialization,this may prevent . This key is used to specify the additional screen's parameters, using the same entries described above for the main screen.

In this case you'll be able to access it using GDI functions, but not with GWES features like windows or controls. Please consider that some hardware limitations may prevent you from using some pixel clock frequencies combination because non of the additional PLLs used for video may match the range of the clocks. Registry Key. Description. Valid Settings. Default Value.

Note. Video. Mem. Size. Configures the amount of bytes used for video memory. MB0x. 80. 00. 00(8. MB)Notes: (a) Default value depends on Type/Color/Dual settings(b) In PXA Images later than V3.

Negative values are not supported in the Bootloader. In Tegra Images supported since V1. PXA3. 20 only(d) Available in Image V3. Any value outside this range disables the EDID feature(f) Available in Image V3. Available in Image V3. For more information about using Video. RAMSize (overriding the video RAM size) see Video.

RAM.(i) If BL. For dual display, optionally add the cinema or mirror bits. The default is mirror mode, i. In cinema mode, videos are shown on the 2nd display.

For example 0x. 20. LCD and HDMI (Cinema) - The desktop is shown on the LCD output, videos are shown on the HDMI output.(m) Not all combinations are tested.(n) This parameter is located in . The display controller uses dithering to emulate the color depth given in the Bpp parameter.(p) For Txx modules enter the register value of the LCDCFG2 pad control register.

More information about this setting can be found in the Technical Reference Manual - Tegra. Tegra. 3. To minimize the drive strength try to set lcdbs to 0x. F0. 00. 00. 00.(q) Currently maximum display resolution supported on Vybrid VF5.

BPP (XGA), 3. 2BPP not possible at this resolution.(r) This parameter is considered only if the . The default value is 4 or 8.

MB, depending on resolution and bit depth.(s) See Splash Screen for a usage sample(t) If the Activate. Display. Event is used, this value is the timeout used to wait on the event.(u) Actual maximum value may vary depending on memory bandwidth and other factors, please check the processor reference manual for more detailed specifications.(v) Output Enable polarity can't be changed on Vybrid, it's always positive.

Visual Effects Settings - Change. For anyone looking to change whether the popup / context menu animations are Fade or Slide (a dropdown that was available in XP), that tweak has been removed from the GUI in Windows 7. This is particularly annoying since some remote desktop programs like Log. Me. In change this setting.

It must now be manually changed in the registry if you wish to swap between Win. XP's fade. To do this, save either of the following as a . Notepad, and then double- click it to merge it into the registry.

For Win. 98 Slide effect. If you're someone who likes the Win. Windows 7. Most menus will just 'appear' since the slide animation is too fast, or the menu is too big.

However, menus will show a drop shadow under them.