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The Microsoft Lync 2. Server Databases. June 7th, 2. 01. 2 Update: Microsoft SQL 2. NOT supported for all Microsoft Lync 2. The two flavors of the core Front- End Lync Server role requires SQL: Lync 2. Server Standard Edition ships with, installs, and uses Microsoft SQL Server 2.

Microsoft has released a preview of the Azure Analysis Services web designer. This is a browser-based experience that will allow developers to start creating and. Inside Cannabis. Financial, legislative, agricultural, and all the other most important news about the cannabis industry.

Express Edition (6. Lync 2. 01. 0 Server Enterprise Edition requires Microsoft SQL Server 2. SP1 or 2. 00. 5 SP3 (6. As of April 2. 0, 2. Microsoft SQL Server 2. R2. The 3. 2- bit versions of SQL are not supported. You can read more about the supported Database Software prerequisites here: Microsoft Lync 2.

Imagine you’re this guy. You wake up on a Saturday morning, and your Tesla is meowing. You do not have a cat. But there is definitely a cat inside of your car’s.

Database Software and Clustering Support. Lync Server 2. 01. SQL databases: 1) Central Management Store (CMS)The CMS store is used by the Central Management Service to maintain a current Lync Server 2. Topology for the entire Lync deployment (Topology, Policies, Voice Routes, etc. Here is what you need to know about the CMS: The database used for this purpose is called “Xds”; it maintains the Lync configuration as published by the Topology Builder.

There is only one master copy of CMS database which is automatically installed on the first instance of a Standard or Enterprise Edition Lync pool. A topology change on the master is replicated to each read- only copy on each Lync server.

This is a key element to Lync Server’s survivability feature set – if the network connection between a Lync Edge server goes down for example, the Edge server still knows about the topology and can keep functioning. Changes are replicated to all Lync server roles except the Lync Edge using the Windows file copy SMB protocol on port 4.

Microsoft Press books, eBooks, and online resources are designed to help advance your skills with Microsoft Office, Windows, Visual Studio.NET and other Microsoft. There’s more to a travel photographer’s kit than a camera body and a few lenses. Here are the essentials the pros always keep close at hand. The Microsoft Lync 2010 Server Databases including the CMS, Pool, Application, Archiving, Monitoring, and Location stores. Windows 10 S is a new edition of Windows 10 that looks, and for the most part feels exactly like any other edition of Windows 10. This edition, however, has one major.

Changes are replicated to the Edge role via HTTPS on port 4. The Windows service “Lync server replica replicator agent” is responsible for receiving the snapshot and uploading the local copies of the databases. It then sends a status update to the Master Replicator (also a windows service) running on the CMS. Pool Configuration Store. The pool back- end database is the heart of Lync functionality. The Registrar, User Services, and the Address Book use this database for registration, routing, presence information & conferences, replicating user information, in- band provisioning, and address book functionality. This is commonly referred to the Lync “back- end” database, and one exists for each Lync pool.

The following 3 important databases are used for the core feature set of Lync: Rtc: stores persistent user data such as user contact lists, scheduled conferences, and access control lists. Rtcdyn: stores dynamic Lync user data such as presence information. Rtcab & Rtcab. Lync address book information (i. Once the updates are done, they switch roles.

Theses databases contain a table called Ab. Attribute which specifies which AD fields will be used in the Lync Address Book (database and ultimately the Lync address book files).

If you are having permission issues with either of these databases, see Access to the Lync Server Address Book Databases. Application Store. Lync server uses the following databases for the Call Park and Response Group applications: Cpsdyn: stores dynamic system information for the Call Park application. Rgsdyn: stores dynamic runtime operational information for the Call Park application.

Rgsconfig: stores persistent configuration data for the Response Group application. Archiving and Monitoring Store. This store is used by the Lync Archiving Server Role and the Monitoring Server Role. Here is a breakdown: An. SQL instance named “RTC” is used to store the back- end pool databases, including the master CMS database. This is installed on the first Front- End server or back- end pool that was installed in the Lync Organization. In this organization, the Standard Edition Pool and associated Front- End server was the first to be installed in this organization.

Remember, there is only one master copy of CMS database which is automatically installed on the first instance of a Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition Lync pool. This database is shown in red (“xds”). The other “xds” databases shaded in gray are read- only copies replicated to the other 2 Enterprise Edition Front- End servers. Putting It All Together. Power. Shell. One the great features introduced with Lync server is Power. Shell access to almost everything in the Lync system.

You can install, install, and configure the various Lync databases from Power. Shell. See Database and Management Server Cmdlets for a list of Lync Management Server cmdlets. One of the more useful cmdlet’s is the Get- Cs.

Configuration. Store. Location cmdlet. This cmdlet will tell you the location of the Active Directory Service Control Point (SCP) for the Central Management Store. This AD location allows Lync server to locate the Lync CMS SQL database (server + instance) – a crucial setting to the operation of Lync. Note: the default AD location for the CMS SCP object is “CN=Topology Settings, CN=RTC Service, DC=< example. The ms. RTCSIP- Back. End. Server attribute contains the SQL server and instance name of the master CMS copy.

The back- end pool database is crucial for Lync login and function. The back- end for any pool can be viewed in the Lync Topology builder, or you can retrieve the SQL serverand instance name for any back- end pool database using the following Power. Shell cmdlets: 1. Get- Cs. Service - Registrar - Pool Fqdn < pool. Fqdn> (pool. Fqdn = Fqdn of the pool you want)2. Get- Cs. Service - User. Server –Pool. Fqdn < pool.

Fqdn> (note the “User. Database” property for step #3)3.

Get- Cs. Service - User. Database –Pool. Fqdn < use the User.

Database property from step #2> The SQL user database for the pool is the Sql. Latest Forum Update Code For Wapka Sites'>Latest Forum Update Code For Wapka Sites. Windows Vista Sp1 Activation Tested On Animals more. Server property appended with the \Sql. Instance property. I believe the Tabular Data Stream protocol (TDS) is used for the SQL queries which can use TCP or named pipes as the transport. The follow references provide further information on this: . For example, to manually create the Lync Monitoring Databases, you could use this command: > Install- Cs. Database - Database.

Type Monitoring –Sql. Instance. Name < SQL Instance> –Sql. Server. Fqdn < SQL Monitoring Backend FQDN> Similarly, you can remove the databases associated with a particular Lync role with the Uninstall- Cs. Database cmdlet. Collocation. The back- end database for a Lync pool requires a separate SQL instance, but you can collocate the archiving and monitoring databases with it. You cannot collocate the back- end database with any other Lync server roles including the Front- End server (unless it is a Front- End Standard Edition – in which case the database is installed with the Lync Front- End Server). Planning the Database Deployment.

The location of the Lync SQL database files and associated transaction logs on disk can significantly affect performance. The latter part of this Microsoft Tech. Net reference as good information the placement and distribution of the database files: SQL Server Data and Log File Placement.

You can view the recommended SQL hardware specifications on Tech. Net here:  Server Hardware Platforms.

If you require custom Microsoft SQL network configurations, such as running the SQL Server back- end instance on a non- standard static SQL port or the requirement to run with the SQL Server Browser service disabled, have a look at this article by Peter Schmatz on Next. Hop: http: //blogs. Lastly, if you need insight into the type of database performance or impact based on Lync activity, the Tech. Net article “Database Activity for Capacity Planning” lists the average and peak disk activity for the backend pool databases: http: //technet. Backup and Recovery. A good article on Instruction for Backing up your Lync environment, including backing up the key SQL Lync databases, is available in this Microsoft Tech.

Net blog article: > http: //blogs.

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