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New York Times Posts Major Federal Climate Change Report Before Trump and Pruitt Can Cook the Books . It takes note of thousands of scientific studies, and particularly focuses on the rapid rise in US average temperatures since 1.

Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on On Monday, the New York Times published a copy of the special science section of the draft 2018 National Climate Assessment, which federal climate researchers had. A megacity is usually defined as a metropolitan area with a total population in excess of ten million people. A megacity can be a single metropolitan area or two or.

It also emphasizes research indicating the past few decades have been the warmest in 1,5. Ballpoint Pen To Hack Tubular Locks For Sale. Evidence for a changing climate abounds, from the top of the atmosphere to the depths of the oceans,” the report’s executive summary informs readers. The last few years have also seen record- breaking, climate- related weather extremes, as well as the warmest years on record for the globe.”“There are no alternative explanations” to human industrial activity being the cause, it adds, and “no natural cycles are found in the observational record that can explain the observed changes in climate.”The report cites a documented rise in global annual average temperature from 1. Celsius (1. 6 Fahrenheit). It also warns that even if humans simply stopped pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere today, temperatures would rise another .

Celsius (. 5 Fahrenheit) this century, but current projections put humanity on a path towards over 2 degrees Celsius rise, which would be disastrous. In another blow to Trump’s conviction the weather somehow disproves climate change, the report noted scientists are increasingly able to link extreme weather events like heat waves, storms and droughts to rising temperatures. Though the Times initially reported the paper was leaked, indicating it was sent to them by someone involved in the process of its creation, numerous scientists noted a draft version had been circulating online since the EPA first released it for public comment last year. The 2. 01. 8 National Climate Assessment is legally mandated, meaning the Trump administration could face lawsuits if (or more likely, when) it suppresses it. The scientific section of the report posted by the Times requires sign- off from 1. EPA and others now headed by climate skeptics, and the White House.

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In early August, Nature received documents suggesting Pruitt was moving ahead with a shamelessly cynical plan to require future EPA research be vetted in a “red team, blue team” format, which would turn its review board into a war between actual scientists and industry flacks. Pruitt had already fired half the EPA board of scientific counselors, seemingly in preparation to hire red team panelists recommended by the fossil fuel industry- backed Heartland Institute. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which coordinates federal climate reports, also had no staff in its science division left as of July 1. The publicization of the report is a clear middle finger to Trump, Pruitt and their plan to derail federal climate research and policy, and it ensures the public has an opportunity to review it before they get their big, grubby mitts all over it. But given Trump’s penchant for launching into a self- destructive rage every time an act of rebellion embarrasses him, it could also inspire the White House into an ill- advised act of revenge. Whoops. Still, that someone took it to the Times reflected concern Trump, Pruitt or others in the administration would interfere with the final release draft of the report, or suppress it entirely. This article has been updated accordingly.

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