Microsoft Expression Design Export Svg File

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The SVG home page at the World Wide Web Consortium. Includes news, description, specification, and history.

W3. C SVG Working Group. SVG is a markup language for describing two- dimensional graphics applications and images, and a set of related graphics script interfaces. Some features, such as SMIL animation and SVG Fonts are not as widely supported. There are many SVG authoring tools, and export to SVG is supported by all major vector graphics authoring tools. SVG 2 is currently under development, and will add new ease- of- use features to SVG, as well as more closely integrating with HTML, CSS, and the DOM, and deprecating features not supported by all browsers. The SVG Working Group is currently working in parallel on a set of modules for extending prior specifications and adding functionality to CSS, and the new SVG 2 specification will combine those modules with the rest of the SVG framework to work across the full range of devices and platforms. Read more about SVG.

If you have questions about SVG, please read our Frequently Asked Questions.