Update In Hibernate With Where Clause Oracle


Database Questions and Answers - Authorizations. This set of Database Questions & Answers focuses on “Authorizations”. Music Maker 2008 Crack Serials. The database administrator who authorizes all the new users, modifies database and takes grants privilege isa) Super userb) Administratorc) Operator of operating systemd) All of the mentioned. View Answer Answer: d. Explanation: The authorizations provided by the administrator to the user is privilege.

Which of the following is true regarding views? I just encountered a problem with my hibernate configurations. The Stacktrace I get is: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception org.hibernate.hql.ast. Foreign Exchange Rates & World Currencies - Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/markets/currencies Current exchange rates of major world currencies.

Which of the following is a basic form of grant statement ? Grant . Which of the following is used to provide privilege to only a particular attribute ? Grant select on employee to Amitb) Grant update(budget) on department to Rajc) Grant update(budget,salary,Rate) on department to Rajd) Grant delete to Amit. View Answer Answer: b.

  • Hibernate is a framework to implement object relational mapping. It provides facility to persist the state of object. Here you will learn how to Display, Insert.
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  • Here we will learn the difference between views created with “WITH CHECK OPTION” and “WITH READ ONLY“. Applied to: Both applies to Views / Views based on.
  • I know it sounds to be a stupid question but i was wondering if the update query can be used without a where clause. And if so in what conditions. Thanks in advance.

Explanation: This grant statement gives user Raj update authorization on the budget attribute of the department relation. Which of the following statement is used to remove the privilege from the user Amir ? Remove update on department from Amirb) Revoke update on employee from Amirc) Delete select on department from Rajd) Grant update on employee from Amir.

View Answer Answer: b. Explanation: revoke.

Which of the following is used to provide delete authorization to instructor ? Wysiwyg Web Builder 8 Serial Keygen Torrent there. Create role instructor ; grant delete to instructor; b) Create role instructor; grant select on takesto instructor; c) Create role instructor; grant delete on takesto instructor; d) All of the mentioned. View Answer Answer: c. Explanation: The role is first created and the authorization is given on relation takes to the role.

Which of the following is true regarding views ? The user who creates a view cannot be given update authorization on a view without having update authorization on the relations used to define the view. The user who creates a view cannot be given update authorization on a view without having update authorization on the relations used to define the view. If a user creates a view on which no authorization can be granted, the system will allow the view creation request. A user who creates a view receives all privileges on that view.

View Answer Answer: c. Explanation: A user who creates a view does not necessarily receive all privileges on that view. If we wish to grant a privilege and to allow the recipient to pass the privilege on to other users, we append the .

In authorization graph if DBA provides authorization to u. If DBA revokes authorization from u. If u. 1 revokes authorization from u. Both a and bd) If u. View Answer Answer: c. Explanation: A user has an authorization if and only if there is a path from the root of the authorization graph down to the node representing the user.

Which of the following is used to avoid cascading of authorizations from the user ? Granted by current roleb) Revoke select on department from Amit, Satoshi restrict; c) Revoke grant option for select on department from Amit; d) Revoke select on department from Amit, Satoshi cascade; View Answer Answer: b. Explanation: The revoke statement may specify restrict in order to prevent cascading revocation.

The keyword cascade can be used instead of restrict to indicate that revocation should cascade. The granting and revoking of roles by the user may cause some confusions when that user role is revoked . To overcome the above situationa) The privilege must be granted only by rolesb) The privilege is granted by roles and usersc) The user role cannot be removed once givend) By restricting the user access to the roles. View Answer Answer: a. Explanation: The current role associated with a session can be set by executing set role role name. The specified role must have been granted to the user, else the set role statement fails. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Database Management System.