Use Microsoft Access For Inventory


Microsoft Access 2. Microsoft Access is a database software package. A database is an organized collection of records. Telephone and address books are examples of paper databases.

With Access, you can create a computerized database. For example, you can use Access to organize the students who attend a school, the courses they take, and the instructors who teach them. After you create an Access database, you can search it, manipulate it, and extract information from it. This lesson introduces you to Access windows and teaches you how to create a database. You use windows to interact with Access. To begin, start Access 2.

  • At one time, Microsoft Access was the most popular database platform. While not as popular as Excel, Access still dominates the Windows desktop database market and as.
  • Microsoft Access is a database software package. This lesson introduces you to Access windows and teaches you how to create a database.

You screen will look similar to the one shown here. Northwind is a sample database you can download from the Microsoft website.

I will use the Northwind database to introduce you to Access windows. If the Northwind database is already on your system, open it, otherwise download it and then open it. Click the Microsoft Office button. A menu appears. Click Open.

Use Microsoft Access For Inventory

How to Make an Inventory Database in Access. Microsoft (MS) Access offers a versatile way to create inventory assessment tools by building a database that will reveal.

The Open dialog box appears. Locate the Northwind database. Click the Open button.

Access opens the Northwind database. Click Sample. The Northwind 2. Click the Northwind icon. Click the Browse button. The File New Database window appears. Locate the folder in which you want to save the Northwind database. Click OK. The File New Database window closes.

Click Create. Access creates the Northwind database and opens it. It is possible for an Access database to contain malicious code, such as a computer virus.

Access has security settings that disable code and display a security warning when you open a database. If you know a database is trustworthy, you can perform the following steps to enable it. You may need to enable the Northwind database. Click the Options button.

The Microsoft Office Security Options dialog box appears. Click Enable This Content. Click OK. Access enables the content. If you are enabling the Northwind database, the Login dialog box appears. Click Login. Access opens the Northwind database.

If you know a database is safe, you can store it in a trusted location. Databases stored in trusted locations do not require you to enable security. Click the Microsoft Office button. A menu appears. Click Access Options in the bottom- right corner. The Access Options pane appears. Click Trust Center.

Click Trust Center Settings. Click Trusted Locations. Click Add New Locations. The Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog box appears. Enter the path to the location you want to trust, or click Browse to locate the folder. If you want to trust subfolders, select The Subfolders Of This Location Are Also Trusted. Click OK. The location is now a trusted location.

Click OK again. You have created a trusted location. The Access window used in this example has been set up to make it easier to explain. This section shows you how to set up your window so that it matches the example. If you are not already logged in to Northwind, click the Login button. An Access database consists of the following objects: tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules.

The Navigation pane displays the objects in a database. In this example, the objects are organized by type, which is not the default setting. You may want to organize the objects in your database by type also.

You can use the down- arrow on the top of the Navigation pane to change the manner in which objects are organized. Click the All Access Objects button on the Navigation pane. A menu appears. Click Object Type. Access displays the objects in the database by type. The Access window with the Northwind database open is shown here. Note: Your window probably does not look exactly like the one shown. In Access 2. 00. 7, the window display depends on the size of the window, the size of your monitor, and the resolution to which your monitor is set.

Resolution determines how much information your computer monitor can display. If you use a low resolution, you can fit less information on your screen, but the size of your text and images are larger. If you use a high resolution, you can fit more information on your screen, but the size of the text and images are smaller. Also, you can use settings in Access 2. Windows Vista, and Windows XP to change the color and style of your windows. In the upper- left corner of the Access window is the Microsoft Office button. When you click the button, a menu appears.

You can use the menu to create a new file, open an existing file, save a file, and perform many other tasks. Next to the Microsoft Office button is the Quick Access toolbar.

The Quick Access toolbar provides you with access to commands you frequently use. By default, Save, Undo, and Redo appear on the Quick Access toolbar. You use Save to save an object, Undo to roll back an action you have taken, and Redo to reapply an action you have rolled back. The Title bar is located at the top in the center of the Access window. Extract Table From Pdf Into Excel there.

The Title bar displays the name of the database on which you are currently working. The Ribbon. You use commands to tell Access what to do.

In Access 2. 00. 7, you use the Ribbon to issue commands. The Ribbon is located near the top of the Access window, below the Quick Access toolbar. At the top of the Ribbon are several tabs; clicking a tab displays related command groups. Within each group are related command buttons. Crack Eviews 5 Free Download.

You click buttons to issue commands or to access menus and dialog boxes. You may also find a dialog box launcher in the bottom- right corner of a group. When you click the dialog box launcher , a dialog box makes additional commands available. As stated earlier, the Navigation pane stores the objects in your database: tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules.

Objects always display with an icon to the right. The icon tells you the object type: table, query, form, report, macro, and module. Objects. Tables. In Access, data is stored in tables. A table is a set of columns and rows, with each column referred to as a field. Each value in a field represents a single type of data.

Each row of a table is referred to as a record. Queries. You use queries to retrieve specific data from your database and to answer questions about your data. For example, you can use a query to find the names of the employees in your database who live in a particular state. Forms. Forms give you the ability to choose the format and arrangement of fields. You can use a form to enter, edit, and display data. Reports. Reports organize or summarize your data so you can print it or view it onscreen. You often use reports when you want to analyze your data or present your data to others.

Macros. Macros give you the ability to automate tasks. You can use a macro to add functionality to a form, report, or control. Modules. Like macros, modules give you the ability to automate tasks and add functionality to a form, report, or control.

Macros are created by choosing from a list of macro actions, whereas modules are written in Visual Basic for Applications. You double- click an object to open the object. You right- click an object to view a menu of options.

You can use the menu to do such things as open objects, rename objects, and delete objects. Objects that are open appear on tabs. Right- click a tab to view a menu of options you can perform, such as save the object, close the object, or change the view. A view is a way of looking at an object. For example, in Access, data is stored in tables.

Two of the possible ways you can view a table are Datasheet view and Design view. You can see the data contained in a table in Datasheet view. You can see the design of a table in Design view. When you open an object, buttons appear in the lower- right corner of the Access window. The following describes how you close a database and exit Access.

To close a database: Click the Microsoft Office button. A menu appears. Click Close Database. Access closes the database. To exit Access: Click the Microsoft Office button. A menu appears. Click Exit Access.