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How to Build a Free Energy Magnetic Motor. Many have tried building a free energy- producing magnetic motor. Saint Seiya Hades Mkv Download Codecs on this page. I am seeing a lot of in my daily quest through alternative energy news, but what I have learned is that energy is not free, perpetual motion machines do not exist, everything is taken from somewhere and put elsewhere.
- ChemTrails - 80% population reduction of earth????? If you can get through this page.
- This page contains material which is kept because it is considered humorous. Please do not take it seriously.
Free energy from magnets respects the same rule. There also is this so- called “free energy”, the zero- point energy, proven mathematically by many scientists.
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My duty as a green optimistic is to collect everything I see someone has struggled explaining and demonstrating, put it in one place and let the people see and comment. Such is the example of this magnetic motor. But there are also “green pessimistic” websites.
When they see something out of “common sense” boundaries, they freak out and scream something like”omg, this can’t be real! I need no proof! I must not think of this! Perish, Satan!”I took such an article today as an inspiration because it talks about a magnetic motor, one of my favorite free energy topics, about which I haven’t heard much lately. Here is the whole process of transforming the free magnetic energy into mechanical energy, explained by the invention’s author (Sandeep Acharya): “Think of Two Powerful Magnets.
Fantasy role playing oriented strip - includes cast of characters and some game design articles. Handcraft more than ever is a strong direction for the future. Since the two past decades, we have seen an increasing interest in handmade; first to rediscover nearly.

One fixed plate over rotating disk with North side parallel to disk surface, and other on the rotating plate connected to small gear G1. If the magnet over gear G1’s north side is parallel to that of which is over Rotating disk then they both will repel each other. Now the magnet over the left disk will try to rotate the disk below in (think) clock- wise direction. Now there is another magnet at 3. Rotating Disk on both side of the magnet M1.
Now the large gear G0 is connected directly to Rotating disk with a rod. So after repulsion if Rotating- Disk rotates it will rotate the gear G0 which is connected to gear G1. So the magnet over G1 rotate in the direction perpendicular to that of fixed- disk surface. Now the angle and teeth ratio of G0 and G1 is such that when the magnet M1 moves 3. M1 was, it will be repelled by the magnet of Fixed- disk as the magnet on Fixed- disk has moved 3. G1. So if the first repulsion of Magnets M1 and M0 is powerful enough to make rotating- disk rotate 3. The space between two disk is just more than the width of magnets M0 and M1 and space needed for connecting gear G0 to rotating disk with a rod.
Now I’ve not tested with actual objects. When designing you may think of losses or may think that when rotating disk rotates 3. M0 will be rotating clock- wise on the plate over G2 then it may start to repel M1 after it has rotated about 2.
If all the objects are made precisely with measurements given and the rectangular cubic magnets are powerful enough to rotate more then 3. Here friction and other losses are neglected as magnets are much more powerful. But think of friction between rotating disk and Shaft, it can be neglected by using magnetic joint between them. On the left primary measurements of needed objects are given.
If you find any reason of not running this mechanism let me know.”It seems to me that this is basically the Perendev motor presented in the same- named category of our blog. Perendev was charged of scamming some people and even served for a while. Still, maybe someday someone will be able to produce free energy by using magnet motors. What do you think?
If you can get through this. It's no. longer a conspiracy,it's happening, has been for some time, and it is real. And you wonder why you. Pilot of chemtrail flights reveals. Lo. SVi. Vf. Ly. Y October 2.
Here's an inside source that tells us exactly the real. Hard for many to believe, but this is the truth folks. HAARP - Chemtrails - . This is a real eye opener. You have no idea. This lady tells it all.
Population reduction and reengineering of the human species. The full movie in 7 parts. Chemtrail. equipment pics. What's in chemtrails?
Chemtrails. are destroying the ecosystems all over the world. Take sulfur to combat the effects. Also see chemtrails. Chemtrails are different than contrails. Chemtrails are actual powdered or liquid chemicals being sprayed out of nozzles. They do not dissipate rapidly, they can be seen the full.
Eventually they settle out on the ground, in the trees, on our crops, in. Barium and aluminum aerosols are being sprayed in the high.
Regarding the health aspect from these high levels of. This. video was shot by a pilot who flew over a spray plane. You can clearly see the spray nozzles, and you can see the. This documentary .
Part 1 of 7http: //www. Z1d. O7. TEer. 0c& feature=related.
Part of black ops operations? Lotsa pics http: //www. X& ei=j. 2PSTr. W3. Dcf. Ks. QKek. PH- Dg& sqi=2& ved=0.
CF8. Qs. AQ& biw=1. RFp. S1y. Vio. LM& feature=related. GARM9. Gn. Lt. 8& feature=related. Morgellons disease from chemtrails. Does this look like water vapor.
Chemtrails are affecting our ecological systems; killing bees, trees. GMO seeds will sprout and grow, and more.
And that's a lie. They put it in the air to. HAARP work as well as to set us up internally for virus genocide and kill us to depopulate the planet. It's. all true. Here's an account of the excessive barium. The upper limit for barium in blood is 1. L some of these people are. L. People are getting sick, especially the very young and the elders..
Shasta. tested at 6. L, or 6. 1 times the (MCL) for aluminum in drinking water for the state of California.
You. need to know what is going on with this. It's about. changing our atmosphere to a plazma that conducts energy. It's about human behavior control and population. How many cell towers in your neighborhood?
The one original tower put up many years ago worked good for cellphones all around here. They are ELF Towers in disguise for when they will. Think chemtrails are contrails? Read some of the. HAARP as part of the. An hour long but an excellent treatise on just.
DTxv. WLr. Ue. E8 Here's an ex IRS agent telling us how. Here's another great exposee. The real reason they are spraying us - depopulation.
JTx. CTFDRDI& NR=1 The purpose of chemtrails - project cloverleafhttp: //www. The covert. aerosol- spraying operation which has been going on since the 9.
Earth. It is well know that Aluminum causes cognitive impairment and brain damage. During this time, it works its slow, but. But, even in the beginning, muddled thinking is noticeable. Many more people appear to have a very short fuse. Why are so many of our young children on long- term prescription drugs for behavioral/cognitive troubles?
Why. are millions of adults on years of anti- depressant drugs? Four impacts: Attention, Forgetfulness. Short- term memory, Impatience. Human attention span has dropped dramatically. People are very forgetful. Short- term memory has been affected. Far too many people are impatient, and have very .
It becomes more difficult for TPTB to deny the facts, science and data. It is in our air, soil, sediment and it is. Medical labs do the testing ~ I agree time is.
Breaking NEWS Extremely high Barium. Golden Valley Resident.
To summarize again, after our friend Alan (in Golden Valley) got his blood. Q6. 3ycpf. Y4. E4. Luca and I knew it was time to get tested.
My. barium results just came back and were over 1. I'm not surprised, I'm still horrified. The government now admits they are spraying chemicals for. Expose. Chemtrails. Brandi says she had arsenic, ammonia, barium, aluminum, mercury.
April 2. 01. 0 bloodwork. Brandi North Central VTThe question is not that we are being sprayed. WHY? Weather modification? In Mexico we have dry season from end of Sept to. June. The skies are full of chemtrails from the Lake Chapala area up and through Guadalajara, the. Trying to make it rain?
To. destroy our lungs and immune system so they can kill us with a virus? Visited the. Georgia Guidestone pages recently? The Idaho Observer.
Michael Castle reports the finding of cationic. Dr Hildegarde Staninger and Dr. Rahim Karjoom have reported. Staninger and Karjoom have reported findings of.
Morgellons infected. Researcher Clifford Carnicom has reported. Morgellons Disease. Welcome to the brave new.
HAARP. Our health is under attack as evidenced by the. Morgellons Disease, an infection with a previously.
Over 6. 0,0. 00 families in the. U. S. I am one of the infected. My health and. the health of my family has already been drastically affected.
There is a. main- stream media blackout on this subject so the only way to get the word out. Realized or not people are already dying from chemtrail. People are dying from Morgellons Disease. During this time. U. S. This situation presents an immediate and serious threat to you, your. Chemtrails: ! There is. For many of you this is going to seem pretty far.
For those of us who have been researching and studying this issue for. WAS happening, just didn't know. WHY until now. Read.
We now know WHY they are doing. The airplanes are. LIVE virus that will be included in the same shot as the. Be very cautious about rushing out to. THE BIGGEST NEWS STORY THE WORLD. HAS EVER YET TO SEE: Chem Trails (why?) / Eugenics / New World Order plans to kill the population off. Influenza- A (a deadly flu virus) starting in the US soon first.(why?).
Itis far more important than . YOUROWN LIFE MAY BE IN DANGER IF YOU DO NOT GET THIS MESSAGE AND PLAN TO REACT. This letter has absolutely nothing to do with ! That is what this recent rash of high altitude chemicalspraying above densely populated areas in the US/Canada/Mexico that you maybe starting to become aware of is all about - to get microfibers in yourlungs to make the virus spread like an unstoppable wildfire. They wanted allof us to build this entire world for them; now they want to claim it forthemselves. Nobody with these microfibers stuck to the linings in theirlungs will be able to escape certain death without an appropriateinoculation against the H1. N1 . I am taking a personal day frommy other work to get this message out.
It is not my intent to fruitlesslyscare you or anybody. It is my intent to report these facts to you andinform you!
It is quite unbelievable. I will saythat first. It seems that no matter how much the world's most outspokenfreedom loving and patriotic activists, notably our most beloved Alex Jonesof www. New World Orderactivity and machination - we seem to be always one step behind the mostaweful plans. If I am wrong, so be it - if I am right - we must stop it atall costs. Please judge for yourselves.
In my case, I have just becomevictim of it last night in Austin Texas. A dense cloud layer of Ethylene. Bromide and microfiber dust was jettisoned out of KC- 1. Austin Texas in record amounts last night - as reported not in the least bythe local or national media - but shouted out at America to .
I am still coughing due to myfirst exposure to it - just like I was informed last night - an hour before. I become congested (I usually do not go downtown where the concentration ofthe chem trail substances is heaviest). I am still congested this Thursdaymorning, Feb 2.
I type this emergency broadcast letter out. This is not*laryngitis* floating around folks - as your officemates might becomplaining about recently.. I have just learned late last night/earlythis morning about of the rash of chem trail spraying across the rest of. America as reported on the CACTUS (Citizens against Chem Trails in the US),http: //www. CACTUS. html. , site and others.