Antibacterial Activity Of Vernonia Amygdalina And Diabetes
Health Benefits Of Scent Leaves,paw Paw,and Cannabis. Thesituation has been blamed on exposure tochemicals, unhealthy lifestyles, and geneticmutation. However, this disease that is believed to cause atleast 1. Some of theknown treatments such as chemotherapy andradiotherapy have been shown to have seriousside effects. But natural products have shown promise inpreventing, treating and managing cancerswithout adverse side effects. Top on the list arescent leaf (Ocimum gratissimum), bitter leaf(Vernonia amygdalina), sausage plant (Kigeliaafricana/pinnata), pawpaw/papaya (Caricapapaya), and cannabis/marijuana (Cannabissativa). Commonly called scent leaf or tea bush, Ocimumgratissimum is of the plant family Lamiaceae.
The bitter leaf plant is known as Elewuro by the Yorubas, Shuwaka by the Hausas and Onugbu by the Igbo people. Bitter leaf has a great healing potency. Several species of Vernonia, including V. Common names for these species include bitterleaf.
Ocimum gratissimum is a shrub commonly foundaround village huts and in gardens. It is knownas efinrin ajase in Yoruba, ebavbokho in Bini, aaidoya ta gida in Hausa, nchuanwu in Igbo. Chinese, United States, and Nigerian scientistsfrom Department of Biology Jackson State. University, Jackson and College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Guangxi Normal. University, Guilin, P.
R. China have explored thecancer- fighting potential of scent leaf extracts. The study is titled: “ Potential Cancer- fighting. Ocimum gratissimum (OG) leaf extracts: Increased Anti- proliferation Activity of Partially. Purified Fractions and their Spectral. Fingerprints” was published in Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 2. The researchers wrote: “In previous in- vitrostudies, we have shown that the aqueousextracts of the medicinal herb Ocimumgratissimum (Og) inhibit the proliferation ofseveral cancer cell lines, especially prostateadenocarcinoma (PC- 3) cells.
Following is the list of all articles that will be published in future issues. Click on the article to view it. If you wish to see articles in the previous issues.
Therefore, Og leafextracts may harbor novel cancer- fightingcompounds that need to be isolated, purifiedand characterised.“In this study, we investigated the anti- proliferation activity of Og leaf extract onprostate cancer (PC- 3) cells in- vitro, because webelieve that Og leaf extract may contain novelcancer- fighting compounds. Our results showthat aqueous Og leaf extract inhibitsproliferation of treated PC- 3 cells in aconcentration dependent manner.”Scientists have also found that the sausage tree(Kigelia africana/pinnata) could be effectivelyused to treat cancers. Limp Bizkit Discography Torrent 320 Market. According to ethnobotany and recent scientificwork of Professor P.
Houghton ? of the. Pharmacognosy Research Laboratories, ?
Department of Pharmacy, King’s College London,“experiments into the effect of Kigelia extractsand some of the pure compounds containedtherein, on micro- organisms and cancer cellshave shown that the traditional use of this plantis given considerable justification. In addition,there exists evidence for its anti- inflammatoryreputation.”Investigation into the biological activity of.
Kigelia pinnata has focussed on its antibacterialactivity and its cytotoxic effects against cancercell lines. These are related to the traditionaluses of bark and fruit extracts for treatingdiseases caused by micro- organisms and as aremedy for skin cancer. Also, a Nigerian born Professor of Biology, Ernest. Izevbigie has patented a formula made frombitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina). This bitter leaf- based formula is a proven anti- diabetic and anti- cancer formula in laboratoryand clinical trials. This formula product can alsobenefit HIV/AIDS patients.
It has beenpatented: U. S. Patent 6,7. 13,0. Izevbigie said, “we found that in using the plantmaterial (from Vernonia amygdalina), somecompounds from the extracts were able toinhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. Laterthrough collaborative research, we found theywere also effective in other tumor cells.”Izevbigie explained that evidence from cellculture and animal studies research and reportsfrom individuals reveal that bitter leaf formulasupplement may abate or improve the healthconditions or symptoms of Human Immuno- deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune.
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients includingabrosia (wasting away), nausea and vomiting,compromised immune systems etc. Bitter leafsupplement- induced stimulation of the immunesystem offers hope to many suffering with AIDSrelated diseases. The professor further explained that availabledata shows that bitter leaf extracts might beeffective against herpes virus, and against Kaposisarcomas (KS), a tumour caused by Humanherpes virus 8 (HHV8). Some of the principal chemical compoundsfound in the bitter leaf herb are known assteroid glycosides – type vernonioside B1. Thesecompounds possess potent anti- parasitic, anti- tumor, anti- inflammatory, and anti- bacterialeffects. Also, researchers have found that pawpaw leafextract and its tea have dramatic cancer- fightingproperties against a broad range of tumors,backing a belief held in a number of folktraditions. University of Florida, United States researcher.
Nam Dang and colleagues in Japan, in a reportpublished in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology,documented pawpaw anticancer effect againsttumors of the cervix, breast, liver, lung andpancreas. The researchers used an extract made from driedpawpaw leaves, and the effects were strongerwhen cells received larger doses of pawpaw leaftea. Dang and the other scientists showed thatpawpaw leaf extract boosts the production of keysignaling molecules called Th. This could lead to therapeutic treatments thatuse the immune system to fight cancers, theysaid in the February issue of the journal andreleased Tuesday by the university.? Papaya or. Pawpaw has been used as a folk remedy for avariety of ailments in many parts of the world,especially Asia. Deng said the results are consistent with reportsfrom indigenous populations in Australia and hisnative Vietnam.
The researchers said pawpawextract did not have any toxic effects on normalcells, avoiding a common side effect of manycancer treatments. Researchers exposed 1. Papaya slowed the growth of tumors in allthe cultures. Adjuster License Texas Department Insurance Workers more.
Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology. Current Issue : 2017, Vol: 6, Issue: 2. ISSUES : 4 per year. PUBLISHER : Ejmanager LLC. Flavonoid (Myricetin, Quercetin, Kaempferol, Luteolin, and Apigenin) Content of Edible Tropical Plants.
This is a list of plants used or formerly used as herbal medicine. The ability to synthesize a wide variety of chemical compounds that are used to perform important. Xylopia aethiopica, commonly called African pepper or Guinea pepper belongs to the family Annonaceae. In Nigerian, it is called kyimba in Arabic, kumba in Arabic.
Dang and a colleague have appliedto patent the process to distill the papayaextract through the University of Tokyo. Also, cannabis has shown promise as an effectiveremedy for cancers. According to a studyconducted by researchers from the Complutense. University in Madrid, Spain, and published inthe Journal of Clinical Investigation, the activeingredient in marijuana appears to targetcancerous brain cells for destruction whileleaving healthy cells alone. Theyinjected the mice daily with the moleculetetrahydrocannabinol (THC) near the site of thetumors once each day. The chemical appeared tostimulate the cancerous cells to engage in aprocess known as autophagy, in which cellsinitiate their own breakdown. Leader of the team of researchers, Guillermo.
Velasco, said, “these results may help to designnew cancer therapies based on the use ofmedicines containing the active principle ofmarijuana and/or in the activation ofautophagy.”THC belongs to a class of chemicals known ascannabinoids, named after the cannabis(marijuana) plant in which they occur. It is thechemical responsible for the psychoactive effectsof marijuana consumption. The findings add to mixed evidence about theeffects of marijuana on human health. Studieshave suggested the drug can raise a person’srisk of heart attack or stroke and cause cancer. Other research has shown benefits, such asstaving off Alzheimer’s, and many doctors view. THC as a valuable way to treat weight lossassociated with AIDS, and nausea and vomitingassociated with chemotherapy in cancerpatients. Velasco and his team’s study included ananalysis of two tumours from two people with ahighly aggressive brain cancer, which showedsigns of autophagy after receiving THC.
The researchers said the findings could pave theway for cannabinoid- based drugs to treat cancer,although that approach has so provedunsuccessful when it comes to obesity. The active compound in marijuana, THC, canslow the growth of lung tumours and reduce thespread of the cancer in mice, a preliminary studyreveals. Human lung cancer tumours grew less than halfas fast in mice that received moderate doses ofthe compound, the researchers reveal.