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Underestimating Badassery - TV Tropes. Billy Jack: I'm gonna take this right foot, and I'm gonna whop you on that side of your face.. There's not a damn thing you're gonna be able to do about it. Billy Jack: . Unfortunately, not everyone else in the story does, even when the former is the case.

Or maybe a couple of thugs accost him on the street. Sure, he might look dangerous, but he's outnumbered and outgunned, so he shouldn't be a problem, right? Let the curb stomping begin.

For the villainous example, see Not- So- Harmless Villain. Contrast with Bullying a Dragon, where the perpetrator antagonizes someone despite knowing full and well how Badass they are and without any perceived advantage. This gets his Titan form cut to pieces, his army slaughtered, and forces him to retreat after nearly getting killed himself. This could arguably apply as well to Austria and Finland, given their histories. He also a small, baby- faced pretty boy that looks so harmless that children think they can take him on without much trouble. Czeslaw finds this amusing.

Many of them just don't buy that somebody can actually swing that ridiculously large sword of his or kill as many men as he has singlehandedly, while the Apostles refuse to acknowledge that a mere human can kill or even defeat them, despite knowing very well that he fought countless other Apostles, killed them and lived to kill others. Turns out Ciel didn't hire his staff for their household abilities - he has Sebastian, after all - but as security. None of the circus crew survive the attack. At the beginning of El Baile De La Muerte, some of them make the same stupid mistake about Roberta's protege Fabiola. You'd think they'd learn..

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The Underestimating Badassery trope as used in popular culture. We, the audience, know just how awesome the badass is, whether they look the part or not.

A perfect example would be when a Florida mafia enforcer tries to boss around the mercenaries he hired to capture Jane. Shenhua calmly explains to him that they're not a bunch of . To top it off, he thinks that wantonly messing about with the heiress of the Washimine- gumi, who both Rock and a true Samurai on par with Revy herself have a protective streak towards, is a good idea. Specifically, Nnoitra finds out that Kenpachi doesn't care at all about being hit, won't stop attacking no matter what he throws at him, and is actually strong enough to bypass his resistance; meanwhile, Kenpachi is forced to reconsider his usual tactic after taking so many wounds from Nnoitra's scythes, since dragging the fight long as he usually does will result in him dying for blood loss. However, the protagonists are so focussed on avoiding Aizen's unique zanpakutou ability to manipulate all the senses of everyone around it that they completely overlook the most important thing: even without his zanpakutou, he is excessively powerful and exceptionally skilled in all shinigami arts. As a result, Aizen single- handedly takes down multiple captain- class opponents at the same time. He also forgets Yamamoto's complete resolve to win at all costs — even if he has to blow himself up to take out Aizen.

Aizen acknowledges to himself that he completely underestimated Yamamoto. However, he is confident in his own exceptional and unique abilities that he completely misunderstands the nature of Yhwach's power. As a result, Yhwach is able to overcome and negate Ichibei's abilities. In fact, in the first scene of the first episode of the anime the main character is running from delinquents that he got to chase him because they approached her carelessly.

In the end, she still zapped them. Making it even worse is that she's always wearing the uniform of a highly prestigious school that is well- known to only accept espers of Level 3 or higher, and is the only facility in the city to boast two Level 5's among its students, so anyone wearing that uniform is likely not someone to be trifled with. Each is explicitly a One- Man Army and the stronger ones like Accelerator, Dark Matter, Railgun and Meltdowner are an outright Person of Mass Destruction. One would think that punks would get their photographs and avoid any of them at all costs but no, if you thought trying to punch out Mikoto was bad, there are idiots who try to attack Accelerator!

Later in the series, God (yes that one) is somewhere around thefifth strongest entity in the series, and the ones stronger than he/she/it are underestimated a fair amount. Like that one time Accelerator (not on that exclusive stronger than God list) tried to attack Aiwass (the strongest entity in the series). Aiwass' passive defenses would have killed him in his Super Mode.

Several times throughout Dragon Ball. Most notably, the end of the Saiyan Arc; while the Saiyans are repelled, with Nappa being killed and Vegeta retreating in bad. Search metadata Search full text of books Search TV captions Search archived web sites Advanced Search. Télécharger légalement vos jeux nintendo ds

To put a comparison on their powers, Accelerator is to Aiwass as your average Level 1 is to Accelerator. Of special note is Rensa. Since she had never heard of him, when he shows up to stop her, she dismisses him as some street punk trying to pretend to be a hero to act cool. She doesn't take it well when he easily wards off her attacks and creams her with ease. Somewhat justified in that prior to Hei's He's Back moment solidified in this episode, Genma had pummeled him fairly easily in an earlier fight, although the ability of Hei to survive a beating from a psycho with Instant Armor power is itself impressive. Witness the woefully- overconfident assassin teams sent to kill him during the interquels; you'd think that nickname would be a bit of a tip- off, but this is apparently not the case. And this isn't even getting into those dumb thugs that tried to pick a fight with him and instead ended up with broken limbs.

He overestimates his enemies and is repeatedly surprised by how freakishly strong the Saiyans are. Had he come to Earth with a rational assessment of their power, rather than a poor assumption, things would have gone a lot better, something that he lampshades after Buu's awakening. Deconstructed as this led to Vegeta and some of the others underestimating the threat of Majin Buu, especially once revealed. The cheerful pink chubby being is also one of the most dangerous beings ever and succeeded in destroying the Earth and killing many, due to his virtual indestructability (being a being of magic, he can restore himself from molecules) and being able to absorb blows, copy abilities, absorb others and transform others into anything. Android 1. 7 and 1. Cell is much more powerful than they are, and their future counterparts likewise can't tell that Future Trunks has become powerful enough to beat them. Big Game Hunter 2013 Pc Download Ita here.

Babidi can't sense energy, so he does not understand the significance of going Super Saiyan and mocks Goku for such a . This is because, as gods, their power is literally unfathomable to mere mortals, so only other gods can tell just how powerful they are. Much like the issue with scouters, this is a case where the characters' power sensing backfires on them. Thus, many people don't realize that it's a bad idea to pick a fight with the skinny guy in a bartender suit until it's far too late. Error 1935 Adobe Reader Xi Windows 7. More often than not, they find out how badly they screwed up the hard way. The entire time before this Saber Tooth has been lording their assumed superiority over Fairy Tail due to being declared the #1 guild in Fiore due to the Fairy Tail elite being trapped on Sirius Island for the seven year Timeskip, and Sting in particular made a point of antagonizing the guild so Natsu would come at him full strength and let him prove his superiority. Turns out, Natsu and Gajeel were more than strong enough to do so without using their full power, to the point Natsu fought both of the Slayers alone at their absolute best and still won without going all- out.

Rogue even lampshades it as he collapses, wondering just how badly they overestimated themselves. Unfortunately for him, Jura is a Wizard Saint (albeit the weakest of the ten), and when they come to blows he's fully healed and ready for combat, and proceeds to hand Brain his ass without taking a scratch. Unfortunately for him, Sting's his Achilles' Heel since he can counter most of his magic, and with the aid of fellow Saber Tooth's Rogue and Mermaid Heel's Kagura (also .