Microsoft Visual Basic Code Writing Tools


Welcome to Office Space, the column that offers tips and tricks for scripting Microsoft® Office applications. We’ll post new tips every Tuesday and Thursday; to. How to Learn Microsoft Visual Basic. Microsoft Visual Basic is a computer programming language used to develop programs and applications used on Windows operating. By Tom FitzMacken. This article gives you an overview of programming with ASP.NET Web Pages using the Razor syntax and Visual Basic. ASP.NET is Microsoft's technology. Visual Basic apps were never meant to run in the cloud, but with automated code conversion tools, their tried-and-true business logic can be refactored and reused. Setting up an ADO project and writing ADO code is similar whether you use Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications. This topic addresses using ADO with both.

Code Quality Tools in Visual Studio 2. Code Quality is a loose approximation of writing useful, correct and maintainable code. Writing good quality code helps in reducing bugs at a later stage in product development. Visual Studio provides many built- in tools for writing quality code.

Microsoft BASIC version information from GW BASIC to QuickBASIC to the PDS.

This article is published from the DNC Magazine for Developers and Architects. Download this magazine from here . There are tools like Code Analysis, Code Metrics, Intelli.

Microsoft Visual Basic Code Writing Tools

Trace, and Code Profiling which can be used to deliver high quality code. Writing unit tests, using Intelli. Test, finding Code Coverage will also result in writing qualitative code. We will also see how to write Unit Test with MS Framework, third party testing, as well as writing Intelli. Test. Later we will discuss how Code Coverage helps in unit testing and take a brief overview of Code Analysis, Maintainability Index, Intelli. Trace and Code Profiling.

Once the code is written, unit testing helps developers find logical errors in the code. In some cases, Test Driven Development (TDD) approach is used.

In TDD, the test is written first and then the code is written for the test method. We will discuss how to create unit test for code which is already available. Download and install Visual Studio 2. Testing Related Tools for Developers. Creating Unit Tests. Create a solution and add a class library with some functionality to it. We will write unit tests for the methods in the class library.

Add Unit Test Project to the current solution. Select a method for which we need to create a unit test, right click and select Create Unit Tests.

Select the option of new Test Project. The Unit Test Project is added, reference set to the class library and you can select Empty body, throw exception or add the statement for Assert. Failure as shown in this figure. For this example, select the default Assert failure statement and the stub for Test Method looks as follows. The class gets an attribute as Test.

Class, and the method gets attribute as Test. Method. Without any of these attributes, the test method will be ignored. Let us add code to test the method. You can run the test using Test Explorer.

If it is not visible, go to Test – Windows – Test Explorer to view it. Select the test method, right click and choose run. The test passes. 7. There are four additional attributes for initializing and cleaning up for class or test. Class. Initialize and Class. Cleanup methods will be executed when you run the first test in the class, and when you finish running the last test in the class.

Similarly Test. Initialize and Test. Cleanup methods are called before test execution and after test running.

Convert Unit Test to Data Driven Unit Test. In the previous example, the test method took the same set of parameters and gave the same result.

In a real life scenario, it’s better to change parameters on the fly. In order to achieve this, we need to convert this test method to data driven test. The data can be provided via xml file, csv file or even via database. Add a New Item, select Data tab and select XML file. Change the name of the XML file to anything you wish.

Go to properties of the file, and change the Copy to Output Directory to Copy if newer. Provide data for parameters along with the expected result. Now we need to add a Data. Source parameter to the method, the code looks as follows. Add a reference to System. Data assembly, and add the code for Test.

Context. 4. Run the test and observe that it gets executed three times, same as the number of records in the data file. A Data Driven Unit test can pass different set of parameters every time it executes. Intelli. Test. Visual Studio offers a useful utility in the name of Intelli. Test (formerly called as Smart. Test). With this tool, you can find out how many tests are passing or failing. You can also provide the code to fix issues. Writing an exhaustive test suite for a very complex piece of code, requires a lot of efforts.

There is a tendency to omit some test data which may lead to bugs getting captured at a far later stage. Intelli. Test takes care of this problem. It will help in early detection of bugs, and lead to better qualitative code. Right click on the class and select Run Intelli.

Tests option. 2. It will create a Test Suite for all the methods in the class, and generate data. Every code is analysed depending upon any if statements, loops. It shows what kind of exceptions will be thrown. If we select the test case, it shows us the details and how code can be added. In this example, Divide by zero exception can be handled by adding an attribute.

We can add the necessary code. We have the option of actually creating a Test Project and adding all the test methods to it. Intelli. Test adds Pex attributes to the code, as can be seen from following image.

Intelli. Test when created, tries to find the path for high code coverage. Let us find out how Code Coverage will help in increasing Code Quality. Analyzing Code Coverage. Code Coverage determines which code is getting executed when the unit test is run. If there are complex and multiple lines of code, Code Coverage will help in finding out if a portion of the code is not being tested at all.

We can take necessary action based on these findings. Code coverage can be computed when you are executing tests using Test Explorer. From Test Explorer, select the unit tests to be executed, right click and select “Analyse Code Coverage for Selected Tests”2. The Code Coverage Results can be seen as follows: 3. If we navigate to the actual assembly, we can see the blue and red coloured code which indicates if the code was executed or not.

Code Coverage is measured in blocks. A block is a code which has only one entry and exit point.

If the control passes through a block, it is considered as covered. You can also add columns by right clicking the assembly, and selecting Add/Remove Columns.

Select lines covered with their percentage. The complete data will be shown with Code Coverage Results. In order to view the previous results, Import the results. To send the results to someone, export it. Third Party Testing Framework.

At times, we can use a third party testing framework for unit testing. The default testing framework available with Visual Studio is MSTest. You can download and install various third party testing framework with Visual Studio. Select Tools > Extensions and Updates and Online > Visual Studio Gallery tab. Type the name of the framework in the search box.

Download and install the NUnit framework. Select the Test Project, right click and select Manage Nu. Get Packages. Find NUnit and Install. A reference to nunit.

Add a new Item of type unit test, and change the code to the following: 6. Execute test from the Test Explorer.

Until now, we have seen all the testing related tools for developers. These tools help in identifying bugs at an early stage thereby improving overall code quality. Now let us delve into tools which will help developers write better quality code.

Tools to write Quality Code. Code Analysis. The code being written needs to follow certain rules. The rules can be according to the organization’s standards, or certain standards enforced by the customer for whom the application is being developed. Code Analysis (also called as Static Code Analysis) helps in finding out if there are areas in the code not following a set of accepted rules. This tool is a part of Visual Studio, and can be applied to any project.

We can specify that code analysis is to be enabled at the time of build, or it can be applied as and when required. Visual Studio provides a lot of rule sets like Microsoft All Rules, Microsoft Basic Correctness Rules, and Microsoft Basic Design Guideline Rules etc. Using these rulesets, either one or multiple rulesets can be applied to a project. The default behaviour gives warnings if the rules are not adhered to. In order to see the rulesets, right click on the project to apply code analysis, and select properties.

Visual Basic Tutorial - Learn VB Programming with source code. Freetutes. com. Basic Visual Basic (VB) is an ideal programming language for developing.

Microsoft Windows. It makes use of. Graphical User Interface for creating robust and powerful applications. The Graphical. User Interface as the name suggests, uses illustrations for text, which enable. This feature makes it easier to comprehend. In GUI environment, the number of options open to. Features. such as easier comprehension, user- friendliness, faster application development.

Active. X technology and Internet. Visual Basic an interesting tool to work with. In the 1. 97. 0s, Microsoft started developing ROM- based interpreted BASIC. In 1. 98. 2. Microsoft Quick. Basic revolutionized Basic and was legitimized as a serious development. MS- DOS environment. Later on, Microsoft Corporation created the enhanced.

BASIC called Visual Basic for Windows. Visual Basic (VB) is an event- driven programming language. Visual Basic enables.

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Visual Basic 3. 0 (a vast improvement over previous versions). Visual Basic 4. 0 released in late 1. Visual Basic 5. 0 released in late 1. New environment, supported. Active. X controls, deleted 1. Visual Basic 6. 0 - released in mid 1.

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